Sunday, January 4, 2015


before I get down to the whole details, here's one piece of advice for you: never take anything and anyone for granted.

taking something or someone for granted basically means under appreciating something or someone because you know you'll have them around for a very long time. you think you'll never lose them. so you start to take them for granted.

but one thing you might not know is, you will lose them eventually.

so I met this guy. he wasn't the most amazing human being, but he was always there for me. he was cheerful and could be very goofy sometimes. I knew he was very into me. he did almost everything, even the tiniest things, only to make me happy. he was the one who talked to me first on messenger. we also shared mutual love to some small stuffs. everything went very well for both of us.

I knew he was falling hard for me, so I started to care less about everything he did to me. I started to ignore him little by little. I took him for granted.

and one thing I knew, he started to grow tired. he started to fall out of love with me. and one day, he decided to walk away without telling me what he actually felt that day.

we've never talked to each other anymore ever since.

losing contact with someone you actually care about feels terrible. it never feels good at all. especially when you've been ignoring him all along. it hurts even more when you're too late to realize that he's gone and never coming back because he fears of being ignored again.

so what I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've been taking you for granted this past eight months. I'm sorry that I doubted you all along. I know it seems pointless to apologize because it won't make you instantly forgive me and restart everything we did, but at least let me try. this will be the last time you ever see me nagging you, I promise.

good morning, and have a good day, sir.