Sunday, August 9, 2015

When it's past 2 AM, just go to sleep.

dear kind stranger,
it's been a while since the first time we met.
isn't it insane, that I always look for you in every crowd I see?
chances are slim, but chances are always there.
even if in the end I only find bits that remind me of you,
that's more than enough for me to call it a day.

dear kind stranger,
you once told me that it wasn't easy to get along with anyone.
but truth is, everybody wants to be around you.
for a second I was glad that we finally had one thing in common.
and now I feel foolish for having thought of that small idea.
tell me, what is it like, being so easy to be loved?

dear kind stranger,
maybe you were right that I was seeking comfort back then.
maybe those endless swipes would finally mean something for me.
maybe when I met you there, in that crazy environment,
you could help me sort things out since I was never good at it.
maybe you were the comfort I'd been seeking all along.

but then again, maybe you were wrong.
maybe I was there just to stroll around to begin with,
and you were just another mannequin on the display.
'twas admirable, but what was I gonna do with it once I took it home?

an ideal romance. maybe that's all you ever are, to me.

dear kind stranger,
yes, I want to love you. but I never wish to own you anyway.
I want to love you, dearly, but you don't have to know.